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Recreation Committee Minutes 2008/01/16
                                                    MEETING MINUTES
                                                      January 16, 2008

 Present:  Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Paul Skarin, Craig Heino, Brian Garland, Chuck
 Weinstein, Melissa Eastman

 Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

 Rhonda Gurney came on behalf of the Library Building Committee.  She handed out the brochures for the proposal of the new library.  She did not do a presentation tonight but said that she would be willing to come back at another time or that we could go to one of their larger meetings for more information.

 November meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted.  Need change to correct the spelling of Craig Heino's last name.

 Craig Heino is our new committee member.  A motion was made in November to nominate him to the committee.

 Celtics essays were reviewed.  Abbie Young was the winner of 2 tickets to the February game.

 There will be tickets sold to 3 Red Sox games.

 Chuck shared a potential request from Myles Cooney.  There is a summer soccer team that goes around to different areas to play.  Would we be willing to give any money to this?  It is for boys and girls.  Money is needed for referees.  If we do sponsor them, we would like some volunteer time from them in return.  Chuck will talk to Myles and see if he would be willing to come and talk with us to give us more information.
 Another thought of Myles was having a committee to study the field usage and gym usage in town.
 Would we support the Granite State League for soccer for recreation age kids?

 The question came up of whether we should have coach's clinics at the beginning of each season so that all of the coach's are on the same page.  (All baseball coaches need to be certified.  There is a $20 certification fee for each person for a 9 hour training, we would pay for this.)
 A discussion followed about coaches following Sunapee rules and League rules.  There is the need for a meeting at the beginning of each season for Scott to give coach's the necessary tools, fundamentals, how to win/lose, be a good team player. etc.  There would be a policy that all coaches must attend this meeting.

 Dewey Field - No update at this time - Charlie has not gotten back to Paul yet.

 Dewey Woods Trail - Trail is getting a lot of use.

 Van Webb said that he would support our plans for Ski Tow Hill.  We will wait for warrant article before we proceed.
 Paul will email maps to us.

 Veteran's Field Update - $1040.00 has been raised so far by Jack Weinberger.

 Looney Lunge went well, fireworks were a good display.
 Summer fireworks will be closer to the harbor.  Letters will be sent out soon for donations for summer fireworks to be on July 3.

 Thoughts about a Cardboard Boat Regatta.  No swimming in harbor.  Could do at Dewey or Granliden?

 A warrant article for the Special Rec Fund was discussed.  Scott will send out the information on the warrant articles to us.

 Thoughts needed on the summer/fall newsletter.

 Holiday Lighting Contest - Halpin - most innovative; Summerton - most creative; Garland - funniest.
 Melissa Heino was the ice out winner.

 Dewey Beach discussion - Scott will make copies of the beach rules so that we can pick them up at the town office to review.  Will be ready after 1pm on Thursday.

 Discussion about day/summer camp - Scott is really too busy to set this up.  Thought about a week long program at the beach?  Would have to budget for it - enrollment cost would cover it.

 Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Melissa Eastman
 Recreation Committee